French skiers do urban freestyle skiing at "das Jagdschloss Rehefeld" hauting lodge) in Rehefeld-Zaunhaus (Altenberg area), Germany. The bulding is a former Hauting Lodge, converted after the WW2 in a conference center and a Police Academy. The bulding is abandonned since 2003. Informations available in German : skier Lucas Hogland do urban freestyle skiing at "das Jagdschloss Rehefeld" hauting lodge) in Rehefeld-Zaunhaus (Altenberg area), Germany. The building is a former Hauting Lodge, converted after the WW2 in a conference center and a Police Academy. The building is abandonned since 2003. Informations available in German : skiers do urban freestyle skiing at "das Jagdschloss Rehefeld" hauting lodge) in Rehefeld-Zaunhaus (Altenberg area), Germany. The bulding is a former Hauting Lodge, converted after the WW2 in a conference center and a Police Academy. The bulding is abandonned since 2003. Informations available in German : skier Lucas Hogland do urban freestyle skiing at "das Jagdschloss Rehefeld" hauting lodge) in Rehefeld-Zaunhaus (Altenberg area), Germany. The building is a former Hauting Lodge, converted after the WW2 in a conference center and a Police Academy. The building is abandonned since 2003. Informations available in German : skiers do urban freestyle skiing at "das Jagdschloss Rehefeld" hauting lodge) in Rehefeld-Zaunhaus (Altenberg area), Germany. The bulding is a former Hauting Lodge, converted after the WW2 in a conference center and a Police Academy. The bulding is abandonned since 2003. Informations available in German : skiers do urban freestyle skiing at "das Jagdschloss Rehefeld" hauting lodge) in Rehefeld-Zaunhaus (Altenberg area), Germany. The bulding is a former Hauting Lodge, converted after the WW2 in a conference center and a Police Academy. The bulding is abandonned since 2003. Informations available in German : wall in winter of the Former Sanatorium Raupennest in Altenberg, Germany. The building was built in 1926, at first it was an Hotel, then during the WW2 it was used as an Hospistal. After the war, the use was a sanatorium of 150 beds. The place closed in 1997.French skier François Lagersie do urban freestyle skiing at former Sanatorium Raupennest in Altenberg, Germany. The building was built in 1926, at first it was an Hotel, then during the WW2 it was used as an Hospistal. After the war, the use was a sanatorium of 150 beds. The place closed in 1997.French skier Romain Jaillet do urban freestyle skiing at former Sanatorium Raupennest in Altenberg, Germany. The building was built in 1926, at first it was an Hotel, then during the WW2 it was used as an Hospistal. After the war, the use was a sanatorium of 150 beds. The place closed in 1997.French skier Romain Jaillet do urban freestyle skiing at former Sanatorium Raupennest in Altenberg, Germany. The building was built in 1926, at first it was an Hotel, then during the WW2 it was used as an Hospistal. After the war, the use was a sanatorium of 150 beds. The place closed in 1997.